Gaming on a Monitor vs Gaming on a TV

July 01, 2022

Gaming on a Monitor vs Gaming on a TV

Are you a gamer who's confused about whether to game on a monitor or a TV? You're not alone. It's a question that has been asked by many gamers around the world. We at Flare Compare have researched and analyzed both display interface technologies to help you make the best decision. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and let’s compare these two technologies.

Input Lag

The first thing we must consider is input lag - the time it takes for a display to show the input signal. In general, monitors have lower input lag than TVs, meaning there's less delay between the time you press a button and when it registers on-screen. Monitors have a faster response time and refresh rate than TVs. Gaming monitors have a response time of 1ms, while TVs have an average of 15ms. The refresh rate on a monitor is about 144Hz, while a TV's is about 60Hz.

Winner: Gaming Monitors

Screen Size

TVs are designed to be viewed from a distance and have larger screen sizes than monitors. However, a large screen doesn't always translate into a better gaming experience. While it's impressive to have a huge screen that spans your entire vision, it can be tough to keep track of everything that's happening on the screen. Whereas gaming monitors have a smaller screen size, which means you can quickly and easily see everything that's happening.

Winner: Depends on your preference

Picture Quality

TVs tend to have better picture quality than monitors. They have HDR support, better color accuracy, and deeper blacks. The contrast ratio on a TV is about 10,000:1, while a monitor's is around 1,000:1. However, gaming monitors have features such as G-Sync and FreeSync, which can match the frame rate of the graphics card, eliminating tearing, and stuttering.

Winner: Depends on your preference


In terms of price, TVs are generally more expensive than monitors. A TV with similar specifications as a gaming monitor could cost you up to three times as much. Gaming monitors are more affordable and offer more features for gaming. If you're a casual gamer on a budget or have a small room, a smaller gaming monitor can be the best choice.

Winner: Gaming Monitors


So, which is better for gaming? It all comes down to what you need. If you want a seamless gaming experience with minimal input lag and faster response time, a gaming monitor is the way to go. If you're looking for a larger screen or better picture quality, a TV might be best for you. Lastly, if you're on a budget, a gaming monitor is a more affordable option.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to consider your gaming needs and preferences before making a decision.


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